Here is the next article about how to manage your Power BI Services object using Powershell ! In this article we will see how to retrieve the security of all the workspaces.
Continue reading…Power BI Admin Management – Becoming admin of all the workspaces
Imagine being a Power BI admin and not seeing all the workspaces, it could be annoying if somebody ask you to debug something or if you want to download the report to make a backup.
Continue reading…Power BI Admin Management – Workspaces !
If you are here, you have probably met a Power BI migration. I will write a serie of 6 articles about how you can manage Power BI Service objects with the PowerBIMgmt Powershell module.
Continue reading…Slowly Changing Dimensions – Yes but, which one ?
You have probably already heard about SCD if you are playing with Data Warehouses. If not, let me explain you what it is.
Continue reading…Flatten a nested JSON using the built-in SQL Pool
This article will show you how to access differents nested nodes in a JSON file via the built-in SQL Pool !
Continue reading…Could you make a documentation about that PBI/SSAS tabular cube ?
Everybody has already encountered the fact to create a documentation about a dataset used in Power BI or about an Analysis Services tabular cube. What a painful task to do it manually ! There are a bunch of tools that can be used to do automate it. I will present you the one that can extract those informations into an excel file !
Continue reading…Run a query through all your databases
Sometimes you need to run a query through all your databases. Depending the server you can do it easily if you don’t have a lot of dbs. But in other cases it can take you a lot of time. So why not querying them all ?
Continue reading…The Power BI Certification (DA-100) and how I passed it !
Since I have my new job as a consultant. I fixed myself a goal : become certified. This is why I chose to pass my Data Analyst Associate certification!

How to remove accents in a string easily
In some needs you have to remove accents in a string. If this is a case here is a small tip about how to remove them !
Continue reading…I am back !
Some months ago my blog was deleted because I was totally inactive. I had a lot of changes in my life and did not had the time to post anymore.
After setting me some goals, I find again the motivation to start my blog agains and to share my experiences with you.
So … Welcome back 🙂
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